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学名:Botanophila angustisilva
♂ Length of body 8.5-9.0mm. Eyes bare; frons about 1.5 times the width of anterior ocellus; interfrontalia black and wider than parafrontalia with if; parafrontalia with 5-6 pairs of inclinate ori and no ors; parafrontaliae and parafrontaliae dark brown in ground color and gray yellow in pollinosity; parafacialia about as wide as antenna antennae black the length of A3 about 1.5 times as long as wide; arista short pubescent hairs about 2.0 times the diameter of base of arista; epistoma behind frons at lunule; occiput without setulae on upper part below postocular row of setulae; haustellum with prementum blackish and pollinose; palpi black. Thorax. Ground color blackish and gray-brown in pollinosity; mesonotum when viewed from behind with rather distinct median vitta and lateral patches and in some lights paramedian vittae along rows of dc; ac (1-2)+(3-3); ph 1; dc 2+3; pra longer than anterior ntpl; notopleura with no accessory setulae; mesopleura with no distinct anterior mpl; stpl 1+2. Wings light fuscous hyaline veins brownish yellow to brown basicosta yellow costal spine absent costa with spinular setae on ventral surface. Calypters yellowish lower one not distinctly protruded beyond the upper. Halteres yellow. Legs. Femora and tibiae yellow knee and tarsi black; fore tibia with 1-2 ad and 1 pv mid femur with a row of pv on basal half mid tibia with 1 ad 2 pd and 2 pv; mid metatarsus normal; hind femur each with a row of av and pv(median part 3-4 long) with a row of p on basal half hind tibia with 2-3 av 4 ad 3pd and 3-4 pv on medial part with no pv on apical part. Abdomen. Longish ellipsoid dorsal view dorsoventrally compressed blackish in ground color with gray pollen; tergites each with a median dark brown vitta; 6th tergite bare basal half of lateral lobe of 5th sternite with 4-5 strong bristles. 1st sternite haired other sternites with no distinct long bristle. ♀ Unknown.